Much of what Floffal is and means comes from a sense of reconnecting with reigniting some of that 'forager' in us. The term 'domestic scavenger' came to my mind a little while ago trying to encapsulate my ways of going about sourcing food and reconnecting with a more instinctual - more 'animal' - and what I consider, humble, approach to eating and having fun with food in general, not just meat.
Admittedly, it's a delicate and even somewhat dangerous thing to talk about and engage in - I do literally pick things out of bins. If it's still in its packaging, or still fresh, perhaps with a touch of mould or withering but which can easily be removed, it's almost certainly ok. I really believe much of what can be scavenged in modern society is useable and opportune. Something I will happily preach about is doing away with sell-by-dates, particularly when it comes to excessively packaged fruit and vegetables. We have eyes - we can't help but use them to see, and to therefore be able to detect whether something actually is mouldy or not.
In this way, I want to build up our immunity - both physiological and psychological - through eating and approaching food in a more immediate, immersive, and I dare say intimate way. Though it sounds like effort, which initially it is for those who are so used to convenient, clear and clean-cut instruction and access to food, very quickly it becomes simpler, more familiar, more fun and more rewarding. There's a sense of the unpredictable - like a ‘treasure hunt’ - the more one does it. This platform is my means to communicate this, in as many forms as I can, towards as many opportunities to build and grow the benefits and sense of life I have described as possible.